1. ndl::danks
    Example data from Danks (2003), after Spellman (1996).
  2. ndl::dative
    Dative Alternation
  3. ndl::lexample
    Lexical example data illustrating the Rescorla-Wagner equations
  4. ndl::numbers
    Example data illustrating the Rescorla-Wagner equations as applied to numerical cognition by Ramscar et al. (2011).
  5. ndl::plurals
    Artificial data set used to illustrate the Rescorla-Wagner equations and naive discriminative learning.
  6. ndl::serbian
    Serbian case inflected nouns.
  7. ndl::serbianLex
    Serbian lexicon with 1187 prime-target pairs.
    data.frame|1187 x 15
  8. ndl::serbianUniCyr
    Serbian case inflected nouns (in Cyrillic Unicode).
  9. ndl::serbianUniLat
    Serbian case inflected nouns (in Latin-alphabet Unicode).
  10. ndl::think
    Finnish 'think' verbs.