Title: | Naive Discriminative Learning |
Description: | Naive discriminative learning implements learning and classification models based on the Rescorla-Wagner equations and their equilibrium equations. |
Authors: | Antti Arppe [aut], Peter Hendrix [aut], Petar Milin [aut], R. Harald Baayen [aut], Tino Sering [aut, cre], Cyrus Shaoul [aut] |
Maintainer: | Tino Sering <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.2.18 |
Built: | 2025-03-06 04:18:47 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/ndl |
Naive discriminative learning implements learning and classification models based on the Rescorla-Wagner equations and their equilibrium equations.
Naive discriminative learning implements classification models based on the Rescorla-Wagner equations and the equilibrium equations of the Rescorla-Wagner equations. This package provides three kinds of functionality: (1) discriminative learning based directly on the Rescorla-Wagner equations, (2) a function implementing the naive discriminative reader, and a model for silent (single-word) reading, and (3) a classifier based on the equilibrium equations. The functions and datasets for the naive discriminative reader model make it possible to replicate the simulation results for Experiment 1 of Baayen et al. (2011). The classifier is provided to allow for comparisons between machine learning (svm, TiMBL, glm, random forests, etc.) and discrimination learning. Compared to standard classification algorithms, naive discriminative learning may overfit the data, albeit gracefully.
Package: | ndl |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Naive Discriminative Learning |
Version: | 0.2.18 |
Date: | 2018-09-09 |
Authors@R: | c(person("Antti Arppe", role = "aut", email = "[email protected]"), person("Peter Hendrix", role = "aut", email = "[email protected]"), person("Petar Milin", role = "aut", email = "[email protected]"), person("R. Harald Baayen", role = "aut", email = "[email protected]"), person("Tino Sering", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "[email protected]"), person("Cyrus Shaoul", role = "aut", email = "[email protected]")) |
Maintainer: | Tino Sering <[email protected]> |
Description: | Naive discriminative learning implements learning and classification models based on the Rescorla-Wagner equations and their equilibrium equations. |
License: | GPL-3 |
Depends: | R (>= 3.0.2) |
Imports: | Rcpp (>= 0.11.0), MASS, Hmisc |
LinkingTo: | Rcpp |
NeedsCompilation: | yes |
Packaged: | 2018-09-10 09:06:55 UTC; tino |
RoxygenNote: | 6.1.0 |
Author: | Antti Arppe [aut], Peter Hendrix [aut], Petar Milin [aut], R. Harald Baayen [aut], Tino Sering [aut, cre], Cyrus Shaoul [aut] |
Date/Publication: | 2018-09-10 13:40:02 UTC |
Config/pak/sysreqs: | make libicu-dev |
Repository: | https://dernarr.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/cran/ndl |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | 52291ac2f05d4591d139240501c87b888093892b |
Index of help topics:
RescorlaWagner Implementation of the Rescorla-Wagner equations. acts2probs Calculate probability matrix from activation matrix, as well as predicted values anova.ndlClassify Analysis of Model Fit for Naive Discriminatory Reader Models crosstableStatistics Calculate statistics for a contingency table cueCoding code a vector of cues as n-grams danks Example data from Danks (2003), after Spellman (1996). dative Dative Alternation estimateActivations Estimation of the activations of outcomes (meanings) estimateWeights Estimation of the association weights using the equilibrium equations of Danks (2003) for the Rescorla-Wagner equations. estimateWeightsCompact Estimation of the association weights using the equilibrium equations of Danks (2003) for the Rescorla-Wagner equations using a compact binary event file. learn Count cue-outcome co-occurences needed to run the Danks equations. learnLegacy Count cue-outcome co-occurrences needed to run the Danks equations. lexample Lexical example data illustrating the Rescorla-Wagner equations modelStatistics Calculate a range of goodness of fit measures for an object fitted with some multivariate statistical method that yields probability estimates for outcomes. ndl-package Naive Discriminative Learning ndlClassify Classification using naive discriminative learning. ndlCrossvalidate Crossvalidation of a Naive Discriminative Learning model. ndlCuesOutcomes Creation of dataframe for Naive Discriminative Learning from formula specification ndlStatistics Calculate goodness of fit statistics for a naive discriminative learning model. ndlVarimp Permutation variable importance for classification using naive discriminative learning. numbers Example data illustrating the Rescorla-Wagner equations as applied to numerical cognition by Ramscar et al. (2011). orthoCoding Code a character string (written word form) as letter n-grams plot.RescorlaWagner Plot function for the output of 'RescorlaWagner'. plot.ndlClassify Plot function for selected results of 'ndlClassify'. plurals Artificial data set used to illustrate the Rescorla-Wagner equations and naive discriminative learning. predict.ndlClassify Predict method for ndlClassify objects random.pseudoinverse Calculate an approximation of the pseudoinverse of a matrix. serbian Serbian case inflected nouns. serbianLex Serbian lexicon with 1187 prime-target pairs. serbianUniCyr Serbian case inflected nouns (in Cyrillic Unicode). serbianUniLat Serbian case inflected nouns (in Latin-alphabet Unicode). summary.ndlClassify A summary of a Naive Discriminatory Learning Model summary.ndlCrossvalidate A summary of a crossvalidation of a Naive Discriminatory Reader Model think Finnish 'think' verbs.
For more detailed information on the core Rescorla-Wagner equations, see
the functions RescorlaWagner
, as well as the data sets
, numbers
(data courtesy of Michael
Ramscar), and lexample
(an example discussed in Baayen et
al. 2011).
The functions for the naive discriminative learning (at the user level)
are estimateWeights
. The relevant data sets are
, serbianUniCyr,serbianUniLat, and
. The examples for serbianLex
present the full simulation for Experiment 1 of Baayen et al. (2011).
Key functionality for the user is provided by the functions
, estimateWeights
, and
. orthoCoding
calculates the letter
n-grams for character strings, to be used as cues. It is assumed that
meaning or meanings (separated by underscores if there are more then
one) are available as outcomes. The frequency with which each (unique)
combination of cues and outcomes occurs are required. For some example
input data sets, see: danks
, plurals
, serbianUniCyr
The function estimateWeights
estimates the association
strengths of cues to outcomes, using the equilibrium equations presented
in Danks (2003). The function estimateActivations
estimates the
activations of outcomes (meanings) given cues (n-grams).
The Rcpp-based learn
and learnLegacy
functions use a C++ function to compute the conditional co-occurrence
matrices required in the equilibrium equations. These are internally
used by estimateWeights
and should not be used directly by users
of the package.
The key function for naive discriminative classification is
; see data sets think
for examples.
Antti Arppe [aut], Peter Hendrix [aut], Petar Milin [aut], R. Harald Baayen [aut], Tino Sering [aut, cre], Cyrus Shaoul [aut]
Maintainer: Tino Sering <[email protected]>
Author Contributions: Initial concept by R. Harald Baayen with contributions from Petar Milin and Peter Hendrix. First R coding done by R. Harald Baayen.
Initial R package development until version 0.1.6 by Antti Arppe. Initial documentation by Antti Arppe. Initial optimizations in C by Petar Milin and Antti Arppe.
Classification functionality developed further by Antti Arppe.
In version 0.2.14 to version 0.2.16, improvements to the NDL algorithm by Petar Milin and Cyrus Shaoul. In version 0.2.14 to version 0.2.16, improved performance optimizations (C++ and Rcpp) by Cyrus Shaoul.
From version 0.2.17 onwards bug fixes and cran compliance by Tino Sering.
Baayen, R. H. and Milin, P. and Filipovic Durdevic, D. and Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M., An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
Baayen, R. H. (2011) Corpus linguistics and naive discriminative learning. Brazilian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 11, 295-328.
Arppe, A. and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.) Statistical classification and principles of human learning.
## Not run: # Rescorla-Wagner data(lexample) lexample$Cues <- orthoCoding(lexample$Word, grams=1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="h", traceOutcome="hand") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("h - hand", 3, 1) data(numbers) traceCues <- c( "exactly1", "exactly2", "exactly3", "exactly4", "exactly5", "exactly6", "exactly7", "exactly10", "exactly15") traceOutcomes <- c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "10", "15") ylimit <- c(0,1) par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(4,4,1,1)) for (i in 1:length(traceCues)) { numbers.rw <- RescorlaWagner(numbers, nruns=1, traceCue=traceCues[i], traceOutcome=traceOutcomes[i]) plot(numbers.rw, ylimit=ylimit) mtext(paste(traceCues[i], " - ", traceOutcomes[i], sep=""), side=3, line=-1, cex=0.7) } par(mfrow=c(1,1)) # naive discriminative learning (for complete example, see serbianLex) # This function uses a Unicode dataset. data(serbianUniCyr) serbianUniCyr$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbianUniCyr$WordForm, grams=2) serbianUniCyr$Outcomes <- serbianUniCyr$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbianUniCyr,hasUnicode=T) desiredItems <- unique(serbianUniCyr["Cues"]) desiredItems$Outcomes="" activations <- estimateActivations(desiredItems, sw)$activationMatrix rownames(activations) <- unique(serbianUniCyr[["WordForm"]]) syntax <- c("acc", "dat", "gen", "ins", "loc", "nom", "Pl", "Sg") activations2 <- activations[,!is.element(colnames(activations), syntax)] head(rownames(activations2),50) head(colnames(activations2),8) image(activations2, xlab="word forms", ylab="meanings", xaxt="n", yaxt="n") mtext(c("yena", "...", "zvuke"), side=1, line=1, at=c(0, 0.5, 1), adj=c(0,0,1)) mtext(c("yena", "...", "zvuk"), side=2, line=1, at=c(0, 0.5, 1), adj=c(0,0,1)) # naive discriminative classification data(think) think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Person + Number + Agent + Patient + Register, data=think) summary(think.ndl) plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="hist", panes="multiple") plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", type="density") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Rescorla-Wagner data(lexample) lexample$Cues <- orthoCoding(lexample$Word, grams=1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="h", traceOutcome="hand") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("h - hand", 3, 1) data(numbers) traceCues <- c( "exactly1", "exactly2", "exactly3", "exactly4", "exactly5", "exactly6", "exactly7", "exactly10", "exactly15") traceOutcomes <- c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "10", "15") ylimit <- c(0,1) par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(4,4,1,1)) for (i in 1:length(traceCues)) { numbers.rw <- RescorlaWagner(numbers, nruns=1, traceCue=traceCues[i], traceOutcome=traceOutcomes[i]) plot(numbers.rw, ylimit=ylimit) mtext(paste(traceCues[i], " - ", traceOutcomes[i], sep=""), side=3, line=-1, cex=0.7) } par(mfrow=c(1,1)) # naive discriminative learning (for complete example, see serbianLex) # This function uses a Unicode dataset. data(serbianUniCyr) serbianUniCyr$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbianUniCyr$WordForm, grams=2) serbianUniCyr$Outcomes <- serbianUniCyr$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbianUniCyr,hasUnicode=T) desiredItems <- unique(serbianUniCyr["Cues"]) desiredItems$Outcomes="" activations <- estimateActivations(desiredItems, sw)$activationMatrix rownames(activations) <- unique(serbianUniCyr[["WordForm"]]) syntax <- c("acc", "dat", "gen", "ins", "loc", "nom", "Pl", "Sg") activations2 <- activations[,!is.element(colnames(activations), syntax)] head(rownames(activations2),50) head(colnames(activations2),8) image(activations2, xlab="word forms", ylab="meanings", xaxt="n", yaxt="n") mtext(c("yena", "...", "zvuke"), side=1, line=1, at=c(0, 0.5, 1), adj=c(0,0,1)) mtext(c("yena", "...", "zvuk"), side=2, line=1, at=c(0, 0.5, 1), adj=c(0,0,1)) # naive discriminative classification data(think) think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Person + Number + Agent + Patient + Register, data=think) summary(think.ndl) plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="hist", panes="multiple") plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", type="density") ## End(Not run)
takes the activation matrix returned by
and calculates the matrix of probabilities
for the estimated activation matrix, as well as the predicted values
of the response variable.
acts |
A matrix of activations (number of observations by number of levels of the response variable). |
Probabilities in p
are obtained by adding the absolute value
of the minimum activation to the activation matrix, and
renorming. The selection rule used to produce predicted
is to
choose for each instance in the data the outcome value that has
received the highest probability estimate.
A list with the following components:
a matrix with the probabilities of the levels of the response variable for each observation.
a character vector with predicted values.
Harald Baayen and Antti Arppe
Arppe, A. and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.). Statistical classification and principles of human learning.
See also ndlClassify
data(think) think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Person + Number + Agent + Register, data=think) pdata <- acts2probs(think.ndl$activationMatrix)
data(think) think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Person + Number + Agent + Register, data=think) pdata <- acts2probs(think.ndl$activationMatrix)
Compute an analysis of individual variable contributions or model comparisons for one or more Naive Discriminatory Reader model fits.
## S3 method for class 'ndlClassify' anova(object, ..., statistic = "deviance", test = "Chisq")
## S3 method for class 'ndlClassify' anova(object, ..., statistic = "deviance", test = "Chisq")
object , ...
Object(s) of class |
statistic |
A character string specifying the statistic describing the fit
that is to be compared, by default |
test |
A character string, determining the statistical method by which
the significance of the comparison are done, by default the
Chi-squared test ( |
Currently, comparison of the terms of a single model or multiple
models is only implemented based on the deviance
Specifying a single object gives a sequential analysis of deviance table for that fit. That is, the reductions in the residual deviance as each term of the formula is added in turn are given in as the rows of a table, plus the residual deviances themselves.
If more than one object is specified, the table has a row for the residual degrees of freedom and deviance for each model. For all but the first model, the change in degrees of freedom and deviance is also given. (This only makes statistical sense if the models are nested.) It is conventional to list the models from smallest to largest, but this is up to the user.
The table will contain test statistics (and P values) comparing the reduction in deviance for the row to the residuals. Only a comparison of models or contributions of their components by the chi-squared test has been implemented.
The comparison between two or more models by anova
will only be valid if they are
fitted to the same dataset. If anova.ndlClassifylist
detects this, it will stop and report an error.
An object of class "anova"
inheriting from class
Antti Arppe
Arppe, A. and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.) Statistical classification and principles of human learning.
data(think) set.seed(314) think <- think[sample(1:nrow(think),500),] think.ndl1 <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Agent * Person, data=think) anova(think.ndl1) think.ndl2 <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Agent * Person + Patient, data=think) anova(think.ndl1, think.ndl2)
data(think) set.seed(314) think <- think[sample(1:nrow(think),500),] think.ndl1 <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Agent * Person, data=think) anova(think.ndl1) think.ndl2 <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Agent * Person + Patient, data=think) anova(think.ndl1, think.ndl2)
takes a contingency table of observed
vs. predicted values for a binary or polytomous response variable as
input, and calculates a range of statistics about prediction
ctable |
A contingency table cross-classifying observed and predicted values. |
A list with the following components:
Overall prediction accuracy
Recall of prediction for each outcome value
Precision of prediction for each outcome value
lambda for prediction accuracy (improvement over baseline of always predicting mode)
tau for classification accuracy (improvement over baseline of homogeneous distribution of predicted outcomes)
d(lambda): used for calculating P(lambda)
d(tau): used for calculating P(tau)
P(lambda): probability of reaching lambda
by chance
P(tau): probability of reaching tau
by chance
Antti Arppe and Harald Baayen
Arppe, A. 2008. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate methods in corpus-based lexicography – a study of synonymy. Publications of the Department of General Linguistics, University of Helsinki, No. 44. URN: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-10-5175-3.
Arppe, A. and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.). Statistical classification and principles of human learning.
Menard, Scott (1995). Applied Logistic Regression Analysis. Sage University Paper Series on Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences 07-106. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
See also modelStatistics, ndlStatistics, ndlClassify
ctable <- matrix(c(30, 10, 5, 60), 2, 2) crosstableStatistics(ctable)
ctable <- matrix(c(30, 10, 5, 60), 2, 2) crosstableStatistics(ctable)
codes a vector of cues into unigrams, bigrams,
..., n-grams, with unigrams as default.
cueCoding(cues = c("hello", "world"), maxn=1, adjacent=FALSE)
cueCoding(cues = c("hello", "world"), maxn=1, adjacent=FALSE)
cues |
A vector of cues (represented by strings) to be recoded as unigrams, bigrams, ..., ngrams. |
maxn |
The longest n-gram to be encoded, by default |
adjacent |
A logical indicating whether only adjacent bigrams should be
included when |
A vector of cue n-grams, one for each word in the input
vector cues
. Each n-gram vector lists the constituent unigrams,
bigrams, etc., separated by underscores.
Antti Arppe and Harald Baayen
Arppe, A. and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.). Statistical classification and principles of human learning.
See also ndlClassify, ndlCuesOutcomes,
ndlVarimp, ndlCrossvalidate
# Cues from the \code{think} data: Person, Number, Register cues <- c("First", "Plural", "hs95") cueCoding(cues, maxn=1) cueCoding(cues, maxn=2)
# Cues from the \code{think} data: Person, Number, Register cues <- c("First", "Plural", "hs95") cueCoding(cues, maxn=1) cueCoding(cues, maxn=2)
Data of Spellman (1996) used by Danks (2003) to illustrate the equilibrium equations for the Rescorla-Wagner model. There are two liquids (red and blue) that are potentially fertilizers, and the experimental participant is given the rates at which flowers bloom for the four possible conditions (no liquid, red liquid, blue liquid, and both liquids).
A data frame with 8 observations on the following 3 variables.
A character vector specifying the cues. The pots in which the flowers are grown, and the color of the fertilizer. Individual cues are separated by underscores.
A character vector specifying whether plants flowered (y or n).
A numeric vector specifying the frequency of flowering.
For details, see Danks (2003: 112).
B. A. Spellman, (1996). Conditionalizing causality. In Shanks, D. R., Holyoak, K. J., & Medin, D. L. (Eds.), Causal learning: the psychology of learning and motivation, Vol. 34 (pp. 167-206). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
D. Danks (2003), Equilibria of the Rescorla-Wagner model. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 47, 109-121.
B. A. Spellman, (1996). Conditionalizing causality. In Shanks, D. R., Holyoak, K. J., & Medin, D. L. (Eds.), Causal learning: the psychology of learning and motivation, Vol. 34 (pp. 167-206). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
data(danks) estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=danks)
data(danks) estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=danks)
Data describing the realization of the dative as NP or PP in the Switchboard corpus and the Treebank Wall Street Journal collection.
A data frame with 3263 observations on the following 15 variables.
a factor coding speaker; available only for the subset of spoken English.
a factor with levels spoken
, written
a factor with the verbs as levels.
a factor with levels
(abstract: 'give it some thought'),
(communication: 'tell, give me your name'),
(future transfer of possession: 'owe, promise'),
(prevention of possession: 'cost, deny'), and
(transfer of possession: 'give an armband, send').
a numeric vector coding the number of words comprising the recipient.
a factor with levels animate
for the animacy of the recipient.
a factor with levels definite
coding the definiteness of the recipient.
a factor with levels nonpronominal
coding the pronominality of the recipient.
a numeric vector coding the number of words comprising the theme.
a factor with levels animate
coding the animacy of the theme.
a factor with levels definite
coding the definiteness of the theme.
a factor with levels nonpronominal
coding the pronominality of the theme.
a factor with levels NP
coding the realization of the dative.
a factor with levels accessible
, and new
coding the accessibility of the recipient.
a factor with levels accessible
, and new
coding the accessibility of the theme.
Bresnan, J., Cueni, A., Nikitina, T. and Baayen, R. H. (2007) Predicting the dative alternation, in Bouma, G. and Kraemer, I. and Zwarts, J. (eds.), Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, 69-94.
## Not run: data(dative) out <- which(is.element(colnames(dative), c("Speaker","Verb"))) dative <- dative[,-out] dative.ndl <- ndlClassify(RealizationOfRecipient ~ ., data=dative) ndlStatistics(dative.ndl) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(dative) out <- which(is.element(colnames(dative), c("Speaker","Verb"))) dative <- dative[,-out] dative.ndl <- ndlClassify(RealizationOfRecipient ~ ., data=dative) ndlStatistics(dative.ndl) ## End(Not run)
is used to estimate the activations for
outcomes (meanings) using the equilibrium association strengths
(weights) for the Rescorla-Wagner model.
estimateActivations(cuesOutcomes, weightMatrix, unique=FALSE, ...)
estimateActivations(cuesOutcomes, weightMatrix, unique=FALSE, ...)
cuesOutcomes |
A data frame with three variables specifying frequency, cues, and outcomes:
weightMatrix |
A numeric matrix with as dimensions the number of cues (horizontal) and number of outcomes (vertical). Rows and columns should be labeled with cues and outcomes. |
unique |
A logical that, if |
... |
Control arguments to be passed along from
The activation of an outcome is defined as the sum of the weights on
the incoming links from active cues. When the input (the Cues
in cuesOutcomes
) contain elements that are not present in the
rownames of the weightMatrix
, such new cues are added to the
with zero entries. The set of exemplars in
may contain rows with identical cue sets but
different outcome sets. Consequently, for such rows, identical vectors
of activations of outcomes are generated. In the activation matrix
returned by estimateActivations
, such duplicate entries are
For examples of how the cuesOutcomes
data frame should be
structured, see the data sets danks
, and serbian
. For examples of how
the weightMatrix
should be structured, see the corresponding
output of estimateWeights
A list with the following components:
A matrix with as dimensions, for rows, the number of exemplars (by-row cue sets, typically word forms), and for columns, the number of unique outcomes (meanings), specifying the activation of a meaning given the cues in the input for a given exemplar.
A vector of cues encountered in cuesOutcomes
which were not
present in weightMatrix
Control arguments to be passed along from ndlClassify
and/or ndlCrossvalidate
R. H. Baayen & Antti Arppe
Baayen, R. H. and Milin, P. and Filipovic Durdevic, D. and Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M., An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
estimateWeights, danks, plurals, serbian
data(serbian) serbian$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbian$WordForm, grams=2) serbian$Outcomes <- serbian$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbian) sw[1:5,1:6] activations <- estimateActivations(unique(serbian["Cues"]), sw)$activationMatrix rownames(activations) <- unique(serbian[["WordForm"]]) activations[1:5,1:6] syntax <- c("acc", "dat", "gen", "ins", "loc", "nom", "Pl", "Sg") activations2 <- activations[,!is.element(colnames(activations),syntax)] head(rownames(activations2), 50) head(colnames(activations2), 8) image(activations2, xlab="word forms", ylab="meanings", xaxt="n", yaxt="n") mtext(c("yena", "...", "zvuke"), side=1, line=1, at=c(0, 0.5, 1), adj=c(0,0,1)) mtext(c("yena", "...", "zvuk"), side=2, line=1, at=c(0, 0.5, 1), adj=c(0,0,1))
data(serbian) serbian$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbian$WordForm, grams=2) serbian$Outcomes <- serbian$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbian) sw[1:5,1:6] activations <- estimateActivations(unique(serbian["Cues"]), sw)$activationMatrix rownames(activations) <- unique(serbian[["WordForm"]]) activations[1:5,1:6] syntax <- c("acc", "dat", "gen", "ins", "loc", "nom", "Pl", "Sg") activations2 <- activations[,!is.element(colnames(activations),syntax)] head(rownames(activations2), 50) head(colnames(activations2), 8) image(activations2, xlab="word forms", ylab="meanings", xaxt="n", yaxt="n") mtext(c("yena", "...", "zvuke"), side=1, line=1, at=c(0, 0.5, 1), adj=c(0,0,1)) mtext(c("yena", "...", "zvuk"), side=2, line=1, at=c(0, 0.5, 1), adj=c(0,0,1))
A function to estimate the weights (associative strengths) for cue-outcome pairs when learning is in equilibrium, using the equilibrium equations for the Rescorla-Wagner model of Danks (2003).
estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes, removeDuplicates=TRUE, saveCounts=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, trueCondProb=TRUE, addBackground=FALSE, hasUnicode=FALSE, ...)
estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes, removeDuplicates=TRUE, saveCounts=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, trueCondProb=TRUE, addBackground=FALSE, hasUnicode=FALSE, ...)
cuesOutcomes |
A data frame with three variables specifying frequency, cues, and
outcomes, that may be created with
removeDuplicates |
A logical specifying whether multiple occurrences of a Cue in
conjunction with an individual instance of an Outcome shall each
be counted as a distinct occurrence of that Cue ( |
saveCounts |
A logical specifying whether the co-occurrence matrices should be
saved. If set equal to |
verbose |
If set to |
addBackground |
If you would like to add a background rate for all your cues and outcomes, but did not include an general environment cue to all your events, one will be added for you to the matrices, as specified in Danks (2003). If changed from the default (FALSE) to TRUE, background cues will be added. The name used for the background rates is "Environ", and will be included in the output weight matrix. |
trueCondProb |
The conditional probability calculations used will be those specified in Danks (2003). If changed from the default (TRUE) to FALSE, the normalization specified in Baayen, et al (2011) is used. |
hasUnicode |
A logical specifying whether to apply a UTF-8 to integer conversion to the names of the cues. This was implemented to solve issues with differences Unicode cue names. |
... |
Control arguments to be passed along from |
Using Rcpp, a C++ based implementation processes all of the data in RAM. The module will check the amount of RAM you have available in your system and warn you if the amount of RAM is insufficient to build your model.
For examples of how the cuesOutcomes
data frame should be
structured, see the data sets danks
, and serbian
. N.B. Empty
or Outcomes
(effectively having length =
), e.g. Cues
or Outcomes
strings with an initial or
final underscore or two immediately adjacent underscores, will
result in an error.
A matrix with cue-to-outcome association strengths. Rows are cues, and columns are outcomes. Rows and columns are labeled. If addBackground=T, a row named "Environ" will be added to the output.
The assistance of Uwe Ligges in getting the C function cooc
to work within the R framework is greatly appreciated. This C function
was removed in version 0.2.0 and replaced with the C++ function by
Cyrus Shaoul.
Add a note here.
Cyrus Shaoul, R. H. Baayen and Petar Milin, with contributions from Antti Arppe and Peter Hendrix.
Baayen, R. H. and Milin, P. and Filipovic Durdevic, D. and Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M. (2011), An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
estimateActivations, ndlCuesOutcomes,
danks, plurals, serbian
data(danks) estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=danks) data(plurals) plurals$Cues <- orthoCoding(plurals$WordForm, grams=1) round(estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=plurals),2) data(serbian) serbian$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbian$WordForm, grams=2) serbian$Outcomes <- serbian$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbian) round(sw[1:5,1:6],2)
data(danks) estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=danks) data(plurals) plurals$Cues <- orthoCoding(plurals$WordForm, grams=1) round(estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=plurals),2) data(serbian) serbian$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbian$WordForm, grams=2) serbian$Outcomes <- serbian$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbian) round(sw[1:5,1:6],2)
A function to estimate the weights (associative strengths) for cue-outcome pairs when learning is in equilibrium, using the equilibrium equations for the Rescorla-Wagner model of Danks (2003) using a compact binary event file.
estimateWeightsCompact(datasource, removeDuplicates=TRUE, saveCounts=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, MaxEvents=100000000000000, trueCondProb=TRUE, addBackground=FALSE, ...)
estimateWeightsCompact(datasource, removeDuplicates=TRUE, saveCounts=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, MaxEvents=100000000000000, trueCondProb=TRUE, addBackground=FALSE, ...)
datasource |
A data source that is linked with a file naming convention. If the datasource is the string "source", then the following resources will need to exist in the current working directory:
removeDuplicates |
A logical specifying whether multiple occurrences of a Cue in
conjunction with an Outcome shall each
be counted as a distinct occurrence of that Cue ( |
saveCounts |
A logical specifying whether the co-occurrence matrices should be
saved. If set equal to |
verbose |
If set to |
MaxEvents |
If changed from the default value, the learning algorithm will stop learning after using the first N events in the training data. This actually number of events used may be slightly higher than the number specified. |
addBackground |
If you would like to add a background rate for all your cues and outcomes, but did not include an general environment cue to all your events, one will be added for you to the matrices, as specified in Danks (2003). If changed from the default (FALSE) to TRUE, background cues will be added. The name used for the background rates is "Environ", and will be included in the output weight matrix. |
trueCondProb |
The conditional probability calculations used will be those specified in Danks (2003). If changed from the default (TRUE) to FALSE, the normalization specified in Baayen, et al (2011) is used. |
... |
Control arguments to be passed along from |
Using Rcpp, a C++ based implementation processes all of the data RAM. The module will check the amount of RAM you have available in your system and warn you of RAM is insufficient to build your model.
A matrix with cue-to-outcome association strengths. Rows are cues, and columns are outcomes. Rows and columns are labeled. If addBackground=T, a row named "Environ" will be added to the output.
Thanks to all the beta testers of the ndl package.
Add a note here.
Cyrus Shaoul, R. H. Baayen and Petar Milin, with contributions from Antti Arppe and Peter Hendrix.
Baayen, R. H. and Milin, P. and Filipovic Durdevic, D. and Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M., (2011) An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
message("This module requires data in a non-portable format to demonstrate how it works.")
message("This module requires data in a non-portable format to demonstrate how it works.")
An internal function to count cue-outcome co-occurrences.
data |
A directory where the binary event data files are located. |
RemoveDuplicates |
A logical specifying whether multiple occurrences of a Cue in
conjunction with an Outcome shall each
be counted as a distinct occurrence of that Cue ( |
verbose |
Display diagnostic messages or not. |
MaxEvents |
The total number of events to learn from before stopping learning. Checked one time per compact data file. |
addBackground |
Option to add background rates. |
This function calls an Rcpp function of the same name to process the data in the compact data format.
A list of two matrices with cue-cue coocurrences and cue-outcome cooccurrences and a vector with background rates.
Thanks to all the testers!
No temporary files are used.
Cyrus Shaoul
Baayen, R. H. and Milin, P. and Filipovic Durdevic, D. and Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M., An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
estimateActivations, ndlCuesOutcomes,
danks, plurals, serbian
#None (internal function)
#None (internal function)
An internal function to count cue-outcome co-occurrences.
DFin |
A dataframe, as defined in the documentation for estimateWeights. |
RemoveDuplicates |
A logical specifying whether multiple occurrences of a Cue in
conjunction with an Outcome shall each
be counted as a distinct occurrence of that Cue ( |
verbose |
Display diagnostic messages or not. |
This function calls an Rcpp function of the same name to process the data in the DFin data frame.
A list of two matrices with cue-cue co-occurrences and cue-outcome co-occurrences.
Thanks to all the testers out there! Martijn, you know who you are.
No temporary files are used.
Cyrus Shaoul
Baayen, R. H. and Milin, P. and Filipovic Durdevic, D. and Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M., An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
estimateActivations, ndlCuesOutcomes,
danks, plurals, serbian
#None (internal function)
#None (internal function)
Ten monomorphemic and inflected English words with fictive frequencies, and meanings.
A data frame with 10 observations on the following 3 variables:
A character vector specifying word forms
A numeric vector with the – fictive – frequencies of occurrence of the words
A character vector specifying the meaning components of the words, separated by underscores
This example lexicon is used in Baayen et al. (2011) (table 8, figure 4) to illustrate the Rescorla-Wagner equations.
Baayen, R. H., Milin, P., Filipovic Durdevic, D., Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M. (2011), An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
## Not run: data(lexample) lexample$Cues <- orthoCoding(lexample$Word, grams=1) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="h",traceOutcome="hand") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("h - hand", 3, 1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="s",traceOutcome="plural") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("s - plural", 3, 1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="a",traceOutcome="as") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("a - as", 3, 1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="s",traceOutcome="as") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("s - as", 3, 1) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(lexample) lexample$Cues <- orthoCoding(lexample$Word, grams=1) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="h",traceOutcome="hand") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("h - hand", 3, 1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="s",traceOutcome="plural") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("s - plural", 3, 1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="a",traceOutcome="as") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("a - as", 3, 1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="s",traceOutcome="as") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("s - as", 3, 1) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ## End(Not run)
calculates a range of goodness of fit
modelStatistics(observed, predicted, frequency=NA, p.values, n.data, n.predictors, outcomes=levels(as.factor(observed)), p.normalize=TRUE, cross.tabulation=TRUE, p.zero.correction=1/(NROW(p.values)*NCOL(p.values))^2)
modelStatistics(observed, predicted, frequency=NA, p.values, n.data, n.predictors, outcomes=levels(as.factor(observed)), p.normalize=TRUE, cross.tabulation=TRUE, p.zero.correction=1/(NROW(p.values)*NCOL(p.values))^2)
observed |
observed values of the response variable |
predicted |
predicted values of the response variable; typically the outcome estimated to have the highest probability |
frequency |
frequencies of observed and predicted values; if |
p.values |
matrix of probabilities for all values of the response variable (i.e outcomes) |
n.data |
sum frequency of data points in model |
n.predictors |
number of predictor levels in model |
outcomes |
a vector with the possible values of the response variable |
p.normalize |
if |
cross.tabulation |
if |
p.zero.correction |
a function to adjust slightly response/outcome-specific probability estimates which are exactly P=0; necessary for the proper calculation of pseudo-R-squared statistics; by default calculated on the basis of the dimensions of the matrix of probabilities |
A list with the following components:
Loglikelihood for null model
Loglikelihood for fitted model
Null deviance
Model deviance
(McFadden's) R-squared
Nagelkerke's R-squared
Akaike's Information Criterion
Bayesian Information Criterion
index of concordance C (for binary response variables only)
Crosstabulation of observed and predicted
outcomes, if cross.tabulation=TRUE
Various statistics
calculated on crosstable
with crosstableStatistics
, if
Antti Arppe and Harald Baayen
Arppe, A. 2008. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate methods in corpus-based lexicography – a study of synonymy. Publications of the Department of General Linguistics, University of Helsinki, No. 44. URN: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-10-5175-3.
Arppe, A., and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.) Statistical modeling and the principles of human learning.
Hosmer, David W., Jr., and Stanley Lemeshow 2000. Applied Regression Analysis (2nd edition). New York: Wiley.
See also ndlClassify
, ndlStatistics
, crosstableStatistics
data(think) think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Agent + Patient, data=think) probs <- acts2probs(think.ndl$activationMatrix)$p preds <- acts2probs(think.ndl$activationMatrix)$predicted n.data <- nrow(think) n.predictors <- nrow(think.ndl$weightMatrix) * ncol(think.ndl$weightMatrix) modelStatistics(observed=think$Lexeme, predicted=preds, p.values=probs, n.data=n.data, n.predictors=n.predictors)
data(think) think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Agent + Patient, data=think) probs <- acts2probs(think.ndl$activationMatrix)$p preds <- acts2probs(think.ndl$activationMatrix)$predicted n.data <- nrow(think) n.predictors <- nrow(think.ndl$weightMatrix) * ncol(think.ndl$weightMatrix) modelStatistics(observed=think$Lexeme, predicted=preds, p.values=probs, n.data=n.data, n.predictors=n.predictors)
uses the equilibrium equations of Danks (2003)
for the Rescorla-Wagner model (1972) to estimate association
strengths (weights) for cues (typically levels of factorial
predictors) to outcomes (typically a binary or polytomous response
variable). Given the association strengths, the probability of a
response level is obtained by summation over the weights on active
incoming links.
ndlClassify(formula, data, frequency=NA, variable.value.separator="", ...) ## S3 method for class 'ndlClassify' print(x, max.print=10, ...)
ndlClassify(formula, data, frequency=NA, variable.value.separator="", ...) ## S3 method for class 'ndlClassify' print(x, max.print=10, ...)
formula |
An object of class |
data |
A data frame containing the variables in the model. |
frequency |
A numeric vector (or the name of a column in the input data frame) with the frequencies of the exemplars. If absent, each exemplar is assigned a frequency equal to 1. |
x |
An object of the class |
max.print |
The maximum number of rows of the |
variable.value.separator |
A character string which will separate variable names from
variable values in their combination as cue values; by default an
empty character string ( |
... |
Control arguments to be passed along to
Classification by naive discriminative learning.
A list of the class "ndlClassify"
with the following components:
A matrix specifying for each row of the
input data frame the activations (probabilities) of the levels of the
response variable (nrow
observations by nlevels
of response variable).
A matrix specifying for each cue (predictor value) the association strength (weight) to each outcome (level of the response variable) (number of distinct predictor values by number of response levels).
The input data structure for naive
discriminative learning created by ndlCuesOutcomes
based on
the data
argument (number of observations by 3: Frequency,
Cues, Outcomes
The call matched to fit the resulting "ndlClassify"
The formula specified for fitting the
resulting "ndlClassify"
The supplied data
argument, excluding all
elements not specified for the modeling task in formula
R. H. Baayen and Antti Arppe
Baayen, R. H. and Milin, P. and Filipovic Durdevic, D. and Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M., An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
Danks, D. (2003). Equilibria of the Rescorla-Wagner model. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 47 (2), 109-121.
Rescorla, R. A., & Wagner, A. R. (1972). A theory of Pavlovian conditioning: Variations in the effectiveness of reinforcement and nonreinforcement. In Black, A. H., & Prokasy, W. F. (Eds.), Classical conditioning II: Current research and theory (pp. 64-99). New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Arppe, A. and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.) Statistical classification and principles of human learning.
summary.ndlClassify, plot.ndlClassify, anova.ndlClassify, predict.ndlClassify, ndlCuesOutcomes, estimateWeights, cueCoding
data(think) set.seed(314) think <- think[sample(1:nrow(think),500),] think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ (Person * Number * Agent) + Register, data=think) summary(think.ndl) ## Not run: think.ndl.SA <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ (Polarity + Voice + Mood + Person + Number + Covert + ClauseEquivalent + Agent + Patient + Manner + Time + Modality1 + Modality2 + Source + Goal + Quantity + Location + Duration + Frequency + MetaComment + ReasonPurpose + Condition + CoordinatedVerb)^2 + Author + Section, data=think) summary(think.ndl.SA) ## End(Not run) ## Not run: data(dative) out <- which(is.element(colnames(dative), c("Speaker","Verb"))) dative <- dative[-out] dative.ndl <- ndlClassify(RealizationOfRecipient ~ ., data=dative) summary(dative.ndl) ## End(Not run)
data(think) set.seed(314) think <- think[sample(1:nrow(think),500),] think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ (Person * Number * Agent) + Register, data=think) summary(think.ndl) ## Not run: think.ndl.SA <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ (Polarity + Voice + Mood + Person + Number + Covert + ClauseEquivalent + Agent + Patient + Manner + Time + Modality1 + Modality2 + Source + Goal + Quantity + Location + Duration + Frequency + MetaComment + ReasonPurpose + Condition + CoordinatedVerb)^2 + Author + Section, data=think) summary(think.ndl.SA) ## End(Not run) ## Not run: data(dative) out <- which(is.element(colnames(dative), c("Speaker","Verb"))) dative <- dative[-out] dative.ndl <- ndlClassify(RealizationOfRecipient ~ ., data=dative) summary(dative.ndl) ## End(Not run)
undertakes a crossvalidation of a Naive
Discriminative Learning model fitted using ndlClassify
ndlCrossvalidate(formula, data, frequency=NA, k=10, folds=NULL, ...)
ndlCrossvalidate(formula, data, frequency=NA, k=10, folds=NULL, ...)
formula |
An object of class |
data |
A data frame (as in |
frequency |
A numeric vector (or the name of a column in the input data frame) with the frequencies of the exemplars. If absent, each exemplar is assigned a frequency equal to 1. |
k |
The number of folds, by default equal to 10. |
folds |
A list of user-defined folds, each item on the list representing a
vector of indices indicating lines in the data frame to be used
for testing a model fitted with the rest of the data. By default
... |
Control arguments to be passed along to auxiliary functions, in specific
Crossvalidation of a Naive Discriminative Learning model.
A list of the class "ndlCrossvalidate"
with the following components:
The call matched by ndlCrossvalidate
The formula specified for ndlCrossvalidate
A list of individual fits resulting from ndlCrossvalidate
The number of folds, by default equal to 10
The sum frequency of data points
The size of the training set
The size of of the testing set
A list with the folds used in the crossvalidation;
either selected at random by ndlCrossvalidate
or provided by
the user.
Antti Arppe
Baayen, R. H. and Milin, P. and Filipovic Durdevic, D. and Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M., An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
Arppe, A. and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.). Statistical modeling and the principles of human learning.
summary.ndlCrossvalidate, ndlStatistics, ndlCuesOutcomes,
cueCoding, estimateWeights, estimateActivations
data(think) set.seed(314) think <- think[sample(1:nrow(think),500),] think.cv5 <- ndlCrossvalidate(Lexeme ~ Agent + Patient, data=think, k=5) summary(think.cv5) rm(think) ## Not run: data(think) think.cv10 <- ndlCrossvalidate(Lexeme ~ Person + Number + Agent + Patient + Register, data=think, k=10) summary(think.cv10) ## End(Not run) ## Not run: library(languageR) data(finalDevoicing) finDev.cv10 <- ndlCrossvalidate(Voice ~ Onset1Type + Onset2Type + VowelType * ConsonantType * Obstruent + Nsyll + Stress, data=finalDevoicing, k=10) summary(finDev.cv10) ## End(Not run)
data(think) set.seed(314) think <- think[sample(1:nrow(think),500),] think.cv5 <- ndlCrossvalidate(Lexeme ~ Agent + Patient, data=think, k=5) summary(think.cv5) rm(think) ## Not run: data(think) think.cv10 <- ndlCrossvalidate(Lexeme ~ Person + Number + Agent + Patient + Register, data=think, k=10) summary(think.cv10) ## End(Not run) ## Not run: library(languageR) data(finalDevoicing) finDev.cv10 <- ndlCrossvalidate(Voice ~ Onset1Type + Onset2Type + VowelType * ConsonantType * Obstruent + Nsyll + Stress, data=finalDevoicing, k=10) summary(finDev.cv10) ## End(Not run)
creates a dataframe for fitting a naive
discriminative classification model with ndlClassify
, using
the specified formula and provided data.
ndlCuesOutcomes(formula, data, frequency=NA, numeric2discrete=function(x) Hmisc::cut2(x,g=g.numeric), g.numeric=2, check.values=TRUE, ignore.absent=NULL, variable.value.separator="", ...)
ndlCuesOutcomes(formula, data, frequency=NA, numeric2discrete=function(x) Hmisc::cut2(x,g=g.numeric), g.numeric=2, check.values=TRUE, ignore.absent=NULL, variable.value.separator="", ...)
formula |
An object of class |
data |
A data frame containing the variables in the model. |
frequency |
A numeric vector (or the name of a column in the input data frame) with the frequencies of the exemplars. If absent, each exemplar is assigned a frequency equal to 1. |
numeric2discrete |
A function to transform a continuous numeric predictor into a
number of discrete classes, by default |
g.numeric |
A parameter to be passed to the |
check.values |
A logical specifying whether underscores ‘_’ in predictor
values should substituted with periods ‘.’; if |
ignore.absent |
A character vector specifying one or more values for any predictor
(e.g. |
variable.value.separator |
A character string which will separate variable names from
variable values in their combination as cue values; by default an
empty character string ( |
... |
Control arguments to be passed along to |
Creates a dataframe to be used for fitting a Naive Discriminatory Learning classifier model.
A dataframe with the following columns:
Frequency with which the specific Cues and Outcomes co-occur.
A character vector of sets of Cues per instance, with Cues separated by underscore ‘_’.
A character vector of Outcomes per instance.
R. H. Baayen and Antti Arppe
Arppe, A. and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.) Statistical modeling and the principles of human learning.
data(think) set.seed(314) think <- think[sample(1:nrow(think),500),] think.CuesOutcomes <- ndlCuesOutcomes(Lexeme ~ (Person * Number * Agent) + Register, data=think) head(think.CuesOutcomes) ## Not run: data(dative) dative.cuesOutcomes <- ndlCuesOutcomes(RealizationOfRecipient ~ LengthOfRecipient + LengthOfTheme, data=dative, numeric2discrete=NULL) table(dative.cuesOutcomes$Cues) dative.cuesOutcomes1 <- ndlCuesOutcomes(RealizationOfRecipient ~ LengthOfRecipient + LengthOfTheme, data=dative) table(dative.cuesOutcomes1$Cues) dative.cuesOutcomes2 <- ndlCuesOutcomes(RealizationOfRecipient ~ LengthOfRecipient + LengthOfTheme, data=dative, g.numeric=3) table(dative.cuesOutcomes2$Cues) ## End(Not run)
data(think) set.seed(314) think <- think[sample(1:nrow(think),500),] think.CuesOutcomes <- ndlCuesOutcomes(Lexeme ~ (Person * Number * Agent) + Register, data=think) head(think.CuesOutcomes) ## Not run: data(dative) dative.cuesOutcomes <- ndlCuesOutcomes(RealizationOfRecipient ~ LengthOfRecipient + LengthOfTheme, data=dative, numeric2discrete=NULL) table(dative.cuesOutcomes$Cues) dative.cuesOutcomes1 <- ndlCuesOutcomes(RealizationOfRecipient ~ LengthOfRecipient + LengthOfTheme, data=dative) table(dative.cuesOutcomes1$Cues) dative.cuesOutcomes2 <- ndlCuesOutcomes(RealizationOfRecipient ~ LengthOfRecipient + LengthOfTheme, data=dative, g.numeric=3) table(dative.cuesOutcomes2$Cues) ## End(Not run)
takes an Naive Discriminary Learning model
object as generated by ndlClassify
and calculates a
range of goodness of fit statistics using
ndlStatistics(ndl, ...)
ndlStatistics(ndl, ...)
ndl |
A naive discriminative learning model fitted with |
... |
Control arguments to be passed along to |
A list with the following components:
sum frequency of data points
degrees of freedom of the Null model
degrees of freedom of the fitted model
a list of various measures of goodness of fit calculated with modelStatistics
Antti Arppe and Harald Baayen
Arppe, A. and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.) Statistical modeling and the principles of human learning.
See also ndlClassify
, modelStatistics
data(think) set.seed(314) think <- think[sample(1:nrow(think),500),] think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Agent + Patient, data=think) ndlStatistics(think.ndl) ## Not run: data(dative) dative.ndl <- ndlClassify(RealizationOfRecipient ~ AnimacyOfRec + DefinOfRec + PronomOfRec + AnimacyOfTheme + DefinOfTheme + PronomOfTheme, data=dative) ndlStatistics(dative.ndl) ## End(Not run)
data(think) set.seed(314) think <- think[sample(1:nrow(think),500),] think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Agent + Patient, data=think) ndlStatistics(think.ndl) ## Not run: data(dative) dative.ndl <- ndlClassify(RealizationOfRecipient ~ AnimacyOfRec + DefinOfRec + PronomOfRec + AnimacyOfTheme + DefinOfTheme + PronomOfTheme, data=dative) ndlStatistics(dative.ndl) ## End(Not run)
uses permutation variable importance for naive
discriminative classification models, typically the output of
ndlVarimp(object, verbose=TRUE)
ndlVarimp(object, verbose=TRUE)
object |
An object of class |
verbose |
A logical (default TRUE) specifying whether the successive predictors being evaluated should be echoed to stdout. |
Variable importance is assessed using predictor permutation.
Currently, conditional permutation variable importance (as for varimp
for random forests in the party
package) is not implemented.
A list with two numeric vectors:
For binary response variables, a named vector specifying for each predictor the index of concordance when that predictor is permuted. For polytomous response variables, NA.
A named vector specifying for each predictor the accuracy of the model with that predictor permuted.
R. H. Baayen and Antti Arppe
R. Harald Baayen (2011). Corpus linguistics and naive discriminative learning. Brazilian journal of applied linguistics, 11, 295-328.
Carolin Strobl, Anne-Laure Boulesteix, Thomas Kneib, Thomas Augustin and Achim Zeileis (2008). Conditional Variable Importance for Random Forests. BMC Bioinformatics, 9, 307.
summary.ndlClassify, plot.ndlClassify, anova.ndlClassify, ndlCuesOutcomes, estimateWeights, cueCoding
## Not run: data(dative) dative <- dative[!is.na(dative$Speaker),-2] dative.ndl <- ndlClassify(RealizationOfRecipient ~ ., data=dative) dative.varimp <- ndlVarimp(dative.ndl) library(lattice) dotplot(sort(summary(dative.ndl)$statistics$accuracy-dative.varimp$accuracy), xlab="permutation variable importance") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(dative) dative <- dative[!is.na(dative$Speaker),-2] dative.ndl <- ndlClassify(RealizationOfRecipient ~ ., data=dative) dative.varimp <- ndlVarimp(dative.ndl) library(lattice) dotplot(sort(summary(dative.ndl)$statistics$accuracy-dative.varimp$accuracy), xlab="permutation variable importance") ## End(Not run)
The data used in simulation 3 of Ramscar et al. (2011) on numerical cognition.
A data frame with 10 observations on the following 3 variables.
A character vector specifying cues for quantities, separated by underscores.
The frequencies with which the numbers appear in the COCA corpus.
A character vector specifying numerical outcomes associated with the input quantities.
The cues represent learning trials with objects of the same size,
shape and color. The numeric cues represent the presence of at
least one subset of the specified size. The cues exactlyn
represent the presence of exactly n
objects. We are indebted
to Michael Ramscar to making this data set available for inclusion
in the package.
Michael Ramscar, Melody Dye, Hanna Muenke Popick & Fiona O'Donnell-McCarthy (2011), The Right Words or Les Mots Justes? Why Changing the Way We Speak to Children Can Help Them Learn Numbers Faster. Manuscript, Department of Psychology, Stanford University.
data(numbers) traceCues=c( "exactly1", "exactly2", "exactly3", "exactly4", "exactly5", "exactly6", "exactly7", "exactly10", "exactly15") traceOutcomes=c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "10", "15") ylimit=c(0,1) par(mfrow=c(3,3),mar=c(4,4,1,1)) for (i in 1:length(traceCues)){ numbers.rw = RescorlaWagner(numbers, nruns=1, traceCue=traceCues[i],traceOutcome=traceOutcomes[i]) plot(numbers.rw, ylimit=ylimit) mtext(paste(traceCues[i], " - ", traceOutcomes[i], sep=""), side=3, line=-1, cex=0.7) } par(mfrow=c(1,1))
data(numbers) traceCues=c( "exactly1", "exactly2", "exactly3", "exactly4", "exactly5", "exactly6", "exactly7", "exactly10", "exactly15") traceOutcomes=c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "10", "15") ylimit=c(0,1) par(mfrow=c(3,3),mar=c(4,4,1,1)) for (i in 1:length(traceCues)){ numbers.rw = RescorlaWagner(numbers, nruns=1, traceCue=traceCues[i],traceOutcome=traceOutcomes[i]) plot(numbers.rw, ylimit=ylimit) mtext(paste(traceCues[i], " - ", traceOutcomes[i], sep=""), side=3, line=-1, cex=0.7) } par(mfrow=c(1,1))
codes a character string into unigrams, bigrams,
..., n-grams, with as default bigrams as the substring size. If
tokenization is not at the letter/character level, a token separator
can be provided.
orthoCoding(strings=c("hel.lo","wor.ld"), grams = c(2), tokenized = F, sepToken = '.')
orthoCoding(strings=c("hel.lo","wor.ld"), grams = c(2), tokenized = F, sepToken = '.')
strings |
A character vector of strings (usually words) to be recoded as n-grams. |
grams |
A vector of numbers, each one a size of ngram to be produced. For example a vector like grams=c(1,3) will create the unigram and trigram cues from the input. |
tokenized |
If tokenzied is FALSE (the default), the input strings are split into letters/characters. If it is set to TRUE, the strings will be split up based on the value of sepToken. |
sepToken |
A string that defines which character will be used to separate tokens when tokenized is TRUE. Defaults to the "." character. |
A vector of grams (joined by underscores), one for each word in the input vector words.
Cyrus Shaoul, Peter Hendrix and Harald Baayen
Baayen, R. H. and Milin, P. and Filipovic Durdevic, D. and Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M., An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
See also estimateWeights
#Default orthoCoding(tokenize=FALSE) #With tokenizing on a specific character orthoCoding(tokenize=TRUE) #Comparing different n-gram sizes data(serbian) serbian$Cues=orthoCoding(serbian$WordForm, grams=2) head(serbian$Cues) serbian$Cues=orthoCoding(serbian$WordForm, grams=c(2,4)) head(serbian$Cues)
#Default orthoCoding(tokenize=FALSE) #With tokenizing on a specific character orthoCoding(tokenize=TRUE) #Comparing different n-gram sizes data(serbian) serbian$Cues=orthoCoding(serbian$WordForm, grams=2) head(serbian$Cues) serbian$Cues=orthoCoding(serbian$WordForm, grams=c(2,4)) head(serbian$Cues)
This function presents visually the estimated weights or expected
probabilities for a model fitted with ndlClassify
## S3 method for class 'ndlClassify' plot(x, values="weights", ...) ## S3 method for class 'ndlWeights' plot(x, type="density", predictors=NULL, outcomes=NULL, panes="single", lty=NULL, col=NULL, mfrow=NULL, main=NULL, legend.position="topright", ...) ## S3 method for class 'ndlProbabilities' plot(x, type="density", select="all", panes="single", lty=NULL, col=NULL, pch=NULL, mfrow=NULL, main=NULL, legend.position="topright", ...)
## S3 method for class 'ndlClassify' plot(x, values="weights", ...) ## S3 method for class 'ndlWeights' plot(x, type="density", predictors=NULL, outcomes=NULL, panes="single", lty=NULL, col=NULL, mfrow=NULL, main=NULL, legend.position="topright", ...) ## S3 method for class 'ndlProbabilities' plot(x, type="density", select="all", panes="single", lty=NULL, col=NULL, pch=NULL, mfrow=NULL, main=NULL, legend.position="topright", ...)
x |
A object of the class |
values |
A character string specifiying whether estimated |
type |
A character string spefifying the type of plot to be drawn;
panes |
A character string specifying whether a |
predictors |
A regular expression specifying which predictors and their values
should be included in the plot(s); by default |
outcomes |
A list of outcomes to be included in the plot; by default |
select |
For |
lty , col , pch , mfrow , main , legend.position
Specifications of various graphical parameters (see
... |
Arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical
parameters (see |
A plot of the selected type is produced on the graphics device.
Antti Arppe and R. H. Baayen
Arppe, A. and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.)
## Not run: data(think) think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Agent + Patient + Section, data=think) plot(think.ndl, values="weights") plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="hist", panes="multiple") plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="density", panes="multiple") plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="density", panes="multiple", predictors="Section*") plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="density", panes="multiple", predictors="Patient*") plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="hist", panes="multiple", col=1:4) plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="density", panes="single", outcomes=c("ajatella","miettia","pohtia","harkita")) plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities") plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", panes="multiple") plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", select="max") plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", select=c(1:3)) plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", panes="multiple", select=c(1:3)) plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", type="sort", legend.position="topleft") plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", type="sort", pch=".", legend.position="topleft") plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", type="sort", pch=".", panes="multiple") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(think) think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Agent + Patient + Section, data=think) plot(think.ndl, values="weights") plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="hist", panes="multiple") plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="density", panes="multiple") plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="density", panes="multiple", predictors="Section*") plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="density", panes="multiple", predictors="Patient*") plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="hist", panes="multiple", col=1:4) plot(think.ndl, values="weights", type="density", panes="single", outcomes=c("ajatella","miettia","pohtia","harkita")) plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities") plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", panes="multiple") plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", select="max") plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", select=c(1:3)) plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", panes="multiple", select=c(1:3)) plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", type="sort", legend.position="topleft") plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", type="sort", pch=".", legend.position="topleft") plot(think.ndl, values="probabilities", type="sort", pch=".", panes="multiple") ## End(Not run)
This function graphs the Rescorla-Wagner weights for a cue-outcome pair against learning time.
## S3 method for class 'RescorlaWagner' plot(x, asymptote=TRUE, xlab="t", ylab="weight", ylimit=NA, ...)
## S3 method for class 'RescorlaWagner' plot(x, asymptote=TRUE, xlab="t", ylab="weight", ylimit=NA, ...)
x |
A object of the class |
asymptote |
A logical specifying whether the equilibrium asymptotic weight should be added to the plot. |
xlab |
Label for x-axis, by default |
ylab |
Label for y-axis, by default |
ylimit |
The range of values to be displayed on the Y axis. By default, this will be determined from the data itself. |
... |
Arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical
parameters (see |
A plot is produced on the graphics device.
R. H. Baayen and Antti Arppe
Danks, D. (2003). Equilibria of the Rescorla-Wagner model. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 47 (2), 109-121.
Rescorla, R. A., & Wagner, A. R. (1972). A theory of Pavlovian conditioning: Variations in the effectiveness of reinforcement and nonreinforcement. In Black, A. H., & Prokasy, W. F. (Eds.), Classical conditioning II: Current research and theory (pp. 64-99). New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
data(lexample) lexample$Cues <- orthoCoding(lexample$Word, grams=1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="h", traceOutcome="hand") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("h - hand", 3, 1) # Full example ## Not run: par(mfrow=c(2,2)) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="h", traceOutcome="hand") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("h - hand", 3, 1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="s", traceOutcome="plural") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("s - plural", 3, 1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="a", traceOutcome="as") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("a - as", 3, 1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="s", traceOutcome="as") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("s - as", 3, 1) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ## End(Not run)
data(lexample) lexample$Cues <- orthoCoding(lexample$Word, grams=1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="h", traceOutcome="hand") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("h - hand", 3, 1) # Full example ## Not run: par(mfrow=c(2,2)) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="h", traceOutcome="hand") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("h - hand", 3, 1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="s", traceOutcome="plural") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("s - plural", 3, 1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="a", traceOutcome="as") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("a - as", 3, 1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="s", traceOutcome="as") plot(lexample.rw) mtext("s - as", 3, 1) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ## End(Not run)
Data set with 10 English words of different (ad hoc) frequencies, each with a lexical meaning and a grammatical meaning.
A data frame with 10 observations on the following 3 variables:
A character vector of word forms (cues).
A numeric vector of frequencies.
A character vector of meanings (outcomes).
Meanings are separated by underscores. The NIL
meaning is ignored.
Baayen, R. H. and Milin, P. and Filipovic Durdevic, D. and Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M., An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
Baayen, R. H. and Milin, P. and Filipovic Durdevic, D. and Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M., An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
data(plurals) plurals$Cues <- orthoCoding(plurals$WordForm, grams=1) estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=plurals)
data(plurals) plurals$Cues <- orthoCoding(plurals$WordForm, grams=1) estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=plurals)
Obtains predictions on the basis of a fitted "ndlClassify"
object on data already incorporated in the object or on new
data with the same predictors as the originally fitted model object.
## S3 method for class 'ndlClassify' predict(object, newdata=NULL, frequency=NA, type="choice", ...)
## S3 method for class 'ndlClassify' predict(object, newdata=NULL, frequency=NA, type="choice", ...)
object |
objects of class |
newdata |
optionally, a data frame in which to look for variables with
which to predict. If omitted (i.e. set to |
frequency |
A numeric vector (or the name of a column in the (new) data frame
type |
the type of prediction requested. The default option
... |
further arguments passed to and from other functions. |
If newdata
is omitted the predictions are based on the data
used for the fit.
a vector predicted
, or matrix of activations
, or a matrix of predictions
Antti Arppe
Arppe, A. and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.) Statistical classification and principles of human learning.
, estimateActivations
, acts2probs
data(think) think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Agent + Patient, data=think[1:300,]) head(predict(think.ndl, type="choice")) predict(think.ndl, newdata=think[301:320,], type="probs") predict(think.ndl, newdata=think[301:320,], type="acts")
data(think) think.ndl <- ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Agent + Patient, data=think[1:300,]) head(predict(think.ndl, type="choice")) predict(think.ndl, newdata=think[301:320,], type="probs") predict(think.ndl, newdata=think[301:320,], type="acts")
An internal function that uses an approximation of the SVD using the first k singular values of A to calculate the pseudo-inverse. Only used when the cue-cue matrix contains more than 20,000 cues.
random.pseudoinverse(m, verbose=F, k = 0)
random.pseudoinverse(m, verbose=F, k = 0)
m |
A matrix. |
k |
If k = 0, the default, k will be set to the size of 3/4 of the singular values. If not, the k-rank approximation will be calculated. |
verbose |
Display diagnostic messages or not. |
This idea was proposed by Gunnar Martinsson Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado at Boulder http://amath.colorado.edu/faculty/martinss/ And with ideas from: Yoel Shkolnisky and his Out-of-Core SVD code: https://sites.google.com/site/yoelshkolnisky/software
The approximate pseudoinverse of the input matrix
Thanks to Gunnar for his help with this!
No temporary files are used.
Cyrus Shaoul
"Finding structure with randomness: Probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions" Nathan Halko, Per-Gunnar Martinsson, Joel A. Tropp http://arxiv.org/abs/0909.4061
estimateWeights, estimateWeightsCompact,
#None (internal function)
#None (internal function)
implements an iterative simulation based on the Rescorla-Wagner equations. Given a data frame specifying cues, outcomes, and frequencies, it calculates, for a given cue-outcome pair,
the temporal sequence of developing weights.
RescorlaWagner(cuesOutcomes, traceCue="h", traceOutcome="hand", nruns=1, random=TRUE, randomOrder = NA, alpha=0.1, lambda=1, beta1=0.1, beta2=0.1)
RescorlaWagner(cuesOutcomes, traceCue="h", traceOutcome="hand", nruns=1, random=TRUE, randomOrder = NA, alpha=0.1, lambda=1, beta1=0.1, beta2=0.1)
cuesOutcomes |
A data frame specifying cues, outcomes, and frequencies of combinations of cues and outcomes. In the data frame, cues and outcomes should be character vectors. |
traceCue |
A character string specifying the cue to be traced over time. |
traceOutcome |
A character string specifying the outcome to be traced over time. |
nruns |
An integer specifying the number of times the data have to be presented
for learning. The total number of learning trials is
random |
A logical specifying whether the order of the learning trials for a given
run should be randomly reordered. Can be set to |
randomOrder |
If not |
alpha |
The salience of the trace cue. |
lambda |
The maximum level of associative strength possible. |
beta1 |
The salience of the situation in which the outcome occurs. |
beta2 |
The salience of the situation in which the outcome does not occur. |
The equilibrium weights (Danks, 2003) are also estimated.
An object of the class "RescorlaWagner"
, being a list with
the following components:
A numeric vector with the weights for all
training trials.
The weight of the cue-outcome link at equilibrium.
A character string specifying the trace cue.
A character string specifying the trace outcome.
R. H. Baayen and Antti Arppe
Danks, D. (2003). Equilibria of the Rescorla-Wagner model. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 47 (2), 109-121.
Rescorla, R. A., & Wagner, A. R. (1972). A theory of Pavlovian conditioning: Variations in the effectiveness of reinforcement and nonreinforcement. In Black, A. H., & Prokasy, W. F. (Eds.), Classical conditioning II: Current research and theory (pp. 64-99). New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
, plot.RescorlaWagner
, numbers
data(lexample) lexample$Cues <- orthoCoding(lexample$Word, grams=1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="h", traceOutcome="hand") plot(lexample.rw) data(numbers) traceCues=c( "exactly1", "exactly2", "exactly3", "exactly4", "exactly5", "exactly6", "exactly7", "exactly10", "exactly15") traceOutcomes=c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "10", "15") ylimit=c(0,1) par(mfrow=c(3,3),mar=c(4,4,1,1)) for(i in 1:length(traceCues)) { numbers.rw <- RescorlaWagner(numbers, nruns=1, traceCue=traceCues[i], traceOutcome=traceOutcomes[i]) plot(numbers.rw, ylimit=ylimit) mtext(paste(traceCues[i], " - ", traceOutcomes[i], sep=""), side=3, line=-1, cex=0.7) } par(mfrow=c(1,1))
data(lexample) lexample$Cues <- orthoCoding(lexample$Word, grams=1) lexample.rw <- RescorlaWagner(lexample, nruns=25, traceCue="h", traceOutcome="hand") plot(lexample.rw) data(numbers) traceCues=c( "exactly1", "exactly2", "exactly3", "exactly4", "exactly5", "exactly6", "exactly7", "exactly10", "exactly15") traceOutcomes=c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "10", "15") ylimit=c(0,1) par(mfrow=c(3,3),mar=c(4,4,1,1)) for(i in 1:length(traceCues)) { numbers.rw <- RescorlaWagner(numbers, nruns=1, traceCue=traceCues[i], traceOutcome=traceOutcomes[i]) plot(numbers.rw, ylimit=ylimit) mtext(paste(traceCues[i], " - ", traceOutcomes[i], sep=""), side=3, line=-1, cex=0.7) } par(mfrow=c(1,1))
3240 case-inflected Serbian nouns and their frequencies, for 270 different masculine, feminine and neuter noun lemmas.
A data frame with 3240 observations on the following 3 variables:
A character vector specifying the inflected word forms.
A character vector specifying lemma (meaning), case, and number.
A numeric vector specifying the frequency of each word form.
Frequencies were taken from the Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Language (Kostic, 1999). The 270 lemmas comprise the set of nouns for which each different case form appears at least once in this resource.
Kostic, D. (1999). Frekvencijski recnik savremenog srpskog jezika (Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Language). Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology & Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Kostic, D. (1999). Frekvencijski recnik savremenog srpskog jezika (Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Language). Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology & Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Baayen, R. H., Milin, P., Filipovic Durdevic, D., Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M. (2011), An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
See also serbianLex, estimateActivations
data(serbian) serbian$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbian$WordForm, grams=2) serbian$Outcomes <- serbian$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbian) sw[1:5,1:5] desiredItems <- unique(serbian["Cues"]) desiredItems$Outcomes="" activations <- estimateActivations(desiredItems, sw)$activationMatrix rownames(activations) <- unique(serbian[["WordForm"]]) activations[1:5,1:6]
data(serbian) serbian$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbian$WordForm, grams=2) serbian$Outcomes <- serbian$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbian) sw[1:5,1:5] desiredItems <- unique(serbian["Cues"]) desiredItems$Outcomes="" activations <- estimateActivations(desiredItems, sw)$activationMatrix rownames(activations) <- unique(serbian[["WordForm"]]) activations[1:5,1:6]
The 1187 prime-target pairs and their lexical properties used in the simulation study of Experiment 1 of Baayen et al. (2011).
A data frame with 1187 observations on the following 14 variables:
A factor specifying the target noun form
A factor specifying the prime noun form
A factor specifying the lemma of the prime
A factor specifying the target lemma
A numeric vector with the length in letters of the target
A numeric vector with the weighted relative entropy of the prime and target inflectional paradigms
A numeric vector with the normalized Levenshtein distance of prime and target forms
A numeric vector with log frequency of the target lemma
A numeric vector with log frequency of the prime form
A factor with prime conditions, levels: DD
, SS
A numeric vector with the cosine similarity of prime and target vector space semantics
A vector of logicals, TRUE
if the noun is masculine.
A factor with the gender of the target, levels: f
, m
, and n
A factor specifying the case of the target noun, levels: acc
, dat
, nom
Mean log-transformed observed reaction time
Baayen, R. H., Milin, P., Filipovic Durdevic, D., Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M. (2011), An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
# calculate the weight matrix for the full set of Serbian nouns data(serbian) serbian$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbian$WordForm, grams=2) serbian$Outcomes <- serbian$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbian) # calculate the meaning activations for all unique word forms desiredItems <- unique(serbian["Cues"]) desiredItems$Outcomes <- "" activations <- estimateActivations(desiredItems, sw)$activationMatrix rownames(activations) <- unique(serbian[["WordForm"]]) activations <- activations + abs(min(activations)) activations[1:5,1:6] # calculate simulated latencies for the experimental materials data(serbianLex) syntax <- c("acc", "dat", "gen", "ins", "loc", "nom", "Pl", "Sg") we <- 0.4 # compound cue weight strengths <- rep(0, nrow(serbianLex)) for(i in 1:nrow(serbianLex)) { target <- serbianLex$Target[i] prime <- serbianLex$Prime[i] targetLemma <- as.character(serbianLex$TargetLemma[i]) primeLemma <- as.character(serbianLex$PrimeLemma[i]) targetOutcomes <- c(targetLemma, primeLemma, syntax) primeOutcomes <- c(targetLemma, primeLemma, syntax) p <- activations[target, targetOutcomes] q <- activations[prime, primeOutcomes] strengths[i] <- sum((q^we)*(p^(1-we))) } serbianLex$SimRT <- -strengths lengthPenalty <- 0.3 serbianLex$SimRT2 <- serbianLex$SimRT + (lengthPenalty * (serbianLex$Length>5)) cor.test(serbianLex$SimRT, serbianLex$MeanLogObsRT) cor.test(serbianLex$SimRT2, serbianLex$MeanLogObsRT) serbianLex.lm <- lm(SimRT2 ~ Length + WeightedRE*IsMasc + NormLevenshteinDist + TargetLemmaFreq + PrimeSurfFreq + PrimeCondition, data=serbianLex) summary(serbianLex.lm)
# calculate the weight matrix for the full set of Serbian nouns data(serbian) serbian$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbian$WordForm, grams=2) serbian$Outcomes <- serbian$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbian) # calculate the meaning activations for all unique word forms desiredItems <- unique(serbian["Cues"]) desiredItems$Outcomes <- "" activations <- estimateActivations(desiredItems, sw)$activationMatrix rownames(activations) <- unique(serbian[["WordForm"]]) activations <- activations + abs(min(activations)) activations[1:5,1:6] # calculate simulated latencies for the experimental materials data(serbianLex) syntax <- c("acc", "dat", "gen", "ins", "loc", "nom", "Pl", "Sg") we <- 0.4 # compound cue weight strengths <- rep(0, nrow(serbianLex)) for(i in 1:nrow(serbianLex)) { target <- serbianLex$Target[i] prime <- serbianLex$Prime[i] targetLemma <- as.character(serbianLex$TargetLemma[i]) primeLemma <- as.character(serbianLex$PrimeLemma[i]) targetOutcomes <- c(targetLemma, primeLemma, syntax) primeOutcomes <- c(targetLemma, primeLemma, syntax) p <- activations[target, targetOutcomes] q <- activations[prime, primeOutcomes] strengths[i] <- sum((q^we)*(p^(1-we))) } serbianLex$SimRT <- -strengths lengthPenalty <- 0.3 serbianLex$SimRT2 <- serbianLex$SimRT + (lengthPenalty * (serbianLex$Length>5)) cor.test(serbianLex$SimRT, serbianLex$MeanLogObsRT) cor.test(serbianLex$SimRT2, serbianLex$MeanLogObsRT) serbianLex.lm <- lm(SimRT2 ~ Length + WeightedRE*IsMasc + NormLevenshteinDist + TargetLemmaFreq + PrimeSurfFreq + PrimeCondition, data=serbianLex) summary(serbianLex.lm)
3240 case-inflected Serbian nouns and their frequencies, for 270 different masculine, feminine and neuter noun lemmas, written using the Cyrillic alphabet and encoded in UTF-8.
A data frame with 3240 observations on the following 3 variables:
A character vector specifying the inflected word forms encoded in UTF-8.
A character vector specifying lemma (meaning), case, and number.
A numeric vector specifying the frequency of each word form.
Frequencies were taken from the Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Language (Kostic, 1999). The 270 lemmas comprise the set of nouns for which each different case form appears at least once in this resource.
Kostic, D. (1999). Frekvencijski recnik savremenog srpskog jezika (Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Language). Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology & Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Kostic, D. (1999). Frekvencijski recnik savremenog srpskog jezika (Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Language). Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology & Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Baayen, R. H., Milin, P., Filipovic Durdevic, D., Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M. (2011), An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
See also serbian, serbianLex, estimateActivations
## Not run: data(serbianUniCyr) serbianUniCyr$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbianUniCyr$WordForm, grams=2) serbianUniCyr$Outcomes <- serbianUniCyr$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbianUniCyr) sw[1:5,1:5] desiredItems <- unique(serbianUniCyr["Cues"]) desiredItems$Outcomes="" activations <- estimateActivations(desiredItems, sw)$activationMatrix rownames(activations) <- unique(serbianUniCyr[["WordForm"]]) activations[1:5,1:6] ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(serbianUniCyr) serbianUniCyr$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbianUniCyr$WordForm, grams=2) serbianUniCyr$Outcomes <- serbianUniCyr$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbianUniCyr) sw[1:5,1:5] desiredItems <- unique(serbianUniCyr["Cues"]) desiredItems$Outcomes="" activations <- estimateActivations(desiredItems, sw)$activationMatrix rownames(activations) <- unique(serbianUniCyr[["WordForm"]]) activations[1:5,1:6] ## End(Not run)
3240 case-inflected Serbian nouns and their frequencies, for 270 different masculine, feminine and neuter noun lemmas, written using the Latin alphabet and encoded in UTF-8.
A data frame with 3240 observations on the following 3 variables:
A character vector specifying the inflected word forms encoded in UTF-8.
A character vector specifying lemma (meaning), case, and number.
A numeric vector specifying the frequency of each word form.
Frequencies were taken from the Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Language (Kostic, 1999). The 270 lemmas comprise the set of nouns for which each different case form appears at least once in this resource.
Kostic, D. (1999). Frekvencijski recnik savremenog srpskog jezika (Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Language). Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology & Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Kostic, D. (1999). Frekvencijski recnik savremenog srpskog jezika (Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Language). Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology & Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Baayen, R. H., Milin, P., Filipovic Durdevic, D., Hendrix, P. and Marelli, M. (2011), An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning. Psychological Review, 118, 438-482.
See also serbian, serbianLex, estimateActivations
data(serbianUniLat) serbianUniLat$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbianUniLat$WordForm, grams=2) serbianUniLat$Outcomes <- serbianUniLat$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbianUniLat) sw[1:5,1:5] desiredItems <- unique(serbianUniLat["Cues"]) desiredItems$Outcomes="" activations <- estimateActivations(desiredItems, sw)$activationMatrix rownames(activations) <- unique(serbianUniLat[["WordForm"]]) activations[1:5,1:6]
data(serbianUniLat) serbianUniLat$Cues <- orthoCoding(serbianUniLat$WordForm, grams=2) serbianUniLat$Outcomes <- serbianUniLat$LemmaCase sw <- estimateWeights(cuesOutcomes=serbianUniLat) sw[1:5,1:5] desiredItems <- unique(serbianUniLat["Cues"]) desiredItems$Outcomes="" activations <- estimateActivations(desiredItems, sw)$activationMatrix rownames(activations) <- unique(serbianUniLat[["WordForm"]]) activations[1:5,1:6]
A summarization method for an object of the class "ndlClassify"
## S3 method for class 'ndlClassify' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.ndlClassify' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), max.print=10, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ndlClassify' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.ndlClassify' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), max.print=10, ...)
object |
An object of class |
x |
An object of class |
digits |
The number of significant digits to use when printing. |
max.print |
The maximum number of rows of |
... |
Control arguments passed to or from other methods,
e.g. |
Calculates descriptive statistics of a fitted Naive Discriminatory Learning model and prints a nice summary of the key results.
returns an object of the class
, a list with the following components:
The call matched to fit the "ndlClassify"
The formula specified for the "ndlClassify"
The estimated weights.
A range of descriptive statistics calculated with ndlStatistics
Antti Arppe
Arppe, A. and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.)
ndlClassify, ndlStatistics, modelStatistics
## For examples see examples(ndlClassify).
## For examples see examples(ndlClassify).
A summarization method for an object of the class "ndlCrossvalidate"
## S3 method for class 'ndlCrossvalidate' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.ndlCrossvalidate' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
## S3 method for class 'ndlCrossvalidate' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.ndlCrossvalidate' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
object |
An object of class |
x |
An object of class |
digits |
the number of significant digits to use when printing. |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
Calculates overall descriptive statistics of the crossvalidation of a fitted Naive Discriminatory Reader model and prints a nice summary of the key results.
returns an object of the class
, a list with the following components:
The call matched to fit the "ndlCrossvalidate"
The formula specified for the "ndlCrossvalidate"
The means, minima and maxima of a
range descriptive statistics for the fit and performance of
individual folds; see ndlStatistics
The means of the crosstabulation of observed and predicted outcomes for the held-out test data.
The means of the recall values for the individual outcomes predicted with the held-out test data.
The means of the precision values for the individual outcomes predicted with the held-out test data.
All the values for a range descriptive
statistics for the fit and performance of individual folds on the
held-out test data; see ndlStatistics
The number of folds.
The sum frequency of all data points in
The sum frequency of data points used for training the individual models (excluding the individual folds).
The sum frequency of data points in the individual held-out folds used for testing the individual models.
Antti Arppe
Arppe, A. and Baayen, R. H. (in prep.)
ndlCrossvalidate, ndlClassify, ndlStatistics
## For examples see examples(ndlCrossvalidate).
## For examples see examples(ndlCrossvalidate).
3404 occurrences of four synonymous Finnish ‘think’ verbs (‘ajatella’: 1492; ‘mietti\"a’: 812; ‘pohtia’: 713; ‘harkita’: 387) in newspaper and Internet newsgroup discussion texts
A data frame with 3404 observations on the following 27 variables:
A factor specifying one of the four ‘think’ verb synonyms
A factor specifying whether the ‘think’ verb has negative polarity (Negation
) or not (Other
A factor specifying whether the ‘think’ verb is in the Passive
voice or not (Other
A factor specifying whether the ‘think’ verb is in the Indicative
or Conditional
mood or not (Other)
A factor specifying whether the ‘think’ verb is in the First
, Second
, Third
person or not (None
A factor specifying whether the ‘think’ verb is in the Plural
number or not (Other
A factor specifying whether the agent/subject of the ‘think’ verb is explicitly expressed as a syntactic argument (Overt
), or only as a morphological feature of the ‘think’ verb (Covert
A factor specifying whether the ‘think’ verb is used as a non-finite clause equivalent (ClauseEquivalent
) or as a finite verb (FiniteVerbChain
A factor specifying the occurrence of Agent/Subject of the ‘think’ verb as either a Human Individual
, Human Group
, or as absent (None
A factor specifying the occurrence of the Patient/Object argument among the semantic or structural subclasses as either an Human Individual or Group (IndividualGroup
), Abstraction
, Activity
, Communication
, Event
, an ‘etta’ (‘that’) clause (etta_CLAUSE
), DirectQuote
, IndirectQuestion
, Infinitive
, Participle
, or as absent (None
A factor specifying the occurrrence of the Manner argument as any of its subclasses Generic
, Negative
(sufficiency), Positive
(sufficiency), Frame
, Agreement
(Concur or Disagree), Joint
(Alone or Together), or as absent (None
A factor specifying the occurrence of Time argument (as a moment) as either of its subclasses Definite
, Indefinite
, or as absent (None
A factor specifying the main semantic subclasses of the entire Verb chain as either indicating Possibility
, Necessity
, or their absense (None
A factor specifying minor semantic subclasses of the entire Verb chain as indicating either a Temporal
element (begin, end, continuation, etc.), External
(cause), Volition
, Accidental
nature of the thinking process, or their absense (None
A factor specifying the occurrence of a Source
argument or its absense (None
A factor specifying the occurrence of a Goal
argument or its absence (None
A factor specifying the occurrence of a Quantity
argument, or its absence (None
A factor specifying the occurrence of a Location
argument, or its absence (None
A factor specifying the occurrence of a Duration
argument, or its absence (None
A factor specifying the occurrence of a Frequency
arument, or its absence (None
A factor specifying the occurrence of a MetaComment
, or its absence (None
A factor specifying the occurrence of a Reason or Purpose argument (ReasonPurpose
), or their absence (None
A factor specifying the occurrence of a Condition
argument, or its absence (None
A factor specifying the occurrence of a Coordinated Verb (in relation to the ‘think’ verb: CoordinatedVerb
), or its absence (None
A factor specifying whether the ‘think’ verb occurs in the newspaper subcorpus (hs95
) or the Internet newsgroup discussion corpus (sfnet
A factor specifying the subsection in which the ‘think’ verb occurs in either of the two subcorpora
A factor specifying the author of the text in which the ‘think’ verb occurs, if that author is identifiable – authors in the Internet newgroup discussion subcorpus are anonymized; unidentifiable/unknown author designated as (None
The four most frequent synonyms meaning ‘think, reflect, ponder,
consider’, i.e. ‘ajatella, miettia, pohtia, harkita’, were extracted
from two months of newspaper text from the 1990s (Helsingin Sanomat
1995) and six months of Internet newsgroup discussion from the early
2000s (SFNET 2002-2003), namely regarding (personal) relationships
(sfnet.keskustelu.ihmissuhteet) and politics
(sfnet.keskustelu.politiikka). The newspaper corpus consisted of
3,304,512 words of body text (i.e. excluding headers and captions as
well as punctuation tokens), and included 1,750 examples of the
studied ‘think’ verbs. The Internet corpus comprised 1,174,693 words of
body text, yielding 1,654 instances of the selected ‘think’
verbs. In terms of distinct identifiable authors, the newspaper
sub-corpus was the product of just over 500 journalists and other
contributors, while the Internet sub-corpus involved well over 1000
discussants. The think
dataset contains a selection of 26
contextual features judged as most informative.
For extensive details of the data and its linguistic and statistical
analysis, see Arppe (2008). For the full selection of contextual
features, see the amph
(2008) microcorpus.
amph 2008. A micro-corpus of 3404 occurrences of the four most common Finnish THINK lexemes, ‘ajatella, miettia, pohtia, and harkita’, in Finnish newspaper and Internet newsgroup discussion texts, containing extracts and linguistic analysis of the relevant context in the original corpus data, scripts for processing this data, R functions for its statistical analysis, as well as a comprehensive set of ensuing results as R data tables. Compiled and analyzed by Antti Arppe. Available on-line at URL: http://www.csc.fi/english/research/software/amph/
Helsingin Sanomat 1995. ~22 million words of Finnish newspaper articles published in Helsingin Sanomat during January–December 1995. Compiled by the Research Institute for the Languages of Finland [KOTUS] and CSC – IT Center for Science, Finland. Available on-line at URL: http://www.csc.fi/kielipankki/
SFNET 2002-2003. ~100 million words of Finnish internet newsgroup discussion posted during October 2002 – April 2003. Compiled by Tuuli Tuominen and Panu Kalliokoski, Computing Centre, University of Helsinki, and Antti Arppe, Department of General Linguistics, University of Helsinki, and CSC – IT Center for Science, Finland. Available on-line at URL: http://www.csc.fi/kielipankki/
Arppe, A. 2008. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate methods in corpus-based lexicography – a study of synonymy. Publications of the Department of General Linguistics, University of Helsinki, No. 44. URN: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-10-5175-3.
Arppe, A. 2009. Linguistic choices vs. probabilities – how much and what can linguistic theory explain? In: Featherston, Sam & Winkler, Susanne (eds.) The Fruits of Empirical Linguistics. Volume 1: Process. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 1-24.
## Not run: data(think) think.ndl = ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Person + Number + Agent + Patient + Register, data=think) summary(think.ndl) plot(think.ndl) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(think) think.ndl = ndlClassify(Lexeme ~ Person + Number + Agent + Patient + Register, data=think) summary(think.ndl) plot(think.ndl) ## End(Not run)